Friday 6 September 2013

Presentation and The End

This is my final task for this blog. I have found blog writing very interesting and maybe one day, if I had something to blog about, I could start blogging voluntarily.  Some of the blog posts are better than others, I just didn't have drive to make them good.. The Twitter post is my favorite!

Now the last problem is how to link my presentation in this blog, cause the presentation is on Google Drive. We'll see about that!

Here is my presentation!

How about Twitter?

Even my mom uses Twitter though I have never. Okay, maybe I'm just a little late with all these new programs and social media tools, but now I'm going to find out what Twitter is all about. Why people like to use it and what are all those "hash-tags" in my favorite magazine..

Signing in in Twitter was pretty easy. I was confused because I had to find some people to follow before I was even in the Twitter. Can someone find me on Twitter if I follow them? Aaaaarghhh this is so confusing! Then I found a button to skip a question.. So I wouldn't have to pick all those sites to follow. Well at least there is now something going on in my Twitter account, cause there is constantly new tweets popping.

This pic is taken when I had already found some sites to follow, and I was asked to tell something about myself. And I was also supposed to add a picture, but I didn't. I can add it later, if I want to.
Making of Twitter account
And then I was in. Anxiety level true the sealing, also cause my whole name was in sight. What if somebody finds me, follows me? Quickly, find the settings and change the name. I was trying to come up with a name that nobody would ever try to find and even though they find it, they would notice that it's not worth to read or follow. My name became Turhaursula. I also managed to change the settings so that nobody could find my twitter or tweets (a messages in Twitter are called tweets). So now it's kind of a diary? Anyhow I'm not so anxious anymore. Notice that even using Facebook is hard for me so this is a super big leap for me in the world on social media.

My first tweet! So proud of myself!

I'm still not sure why people like to use Twitter. Well yes, it's easy to follow your favorite actors and singers and TV-series, but I just still don't get it. One of my good friends is also using Twitter, but she haven't really give me a good reason why. So much time that one doesn't know how to use it, maybe?

Now I found something interesting. One of those sites I'm following on Twitter is Yle Urheilu, finnish TV channel's sports news. And now I'm getting all the latest news from Yle Sport. That could come handy during next weekend's Finland vs. Sweden Track and Field contests...
Some interesting news, some a little bit less interesting..
Unfortunately I did the account in Finnish, and decided to follow Finnish sites, so most of the tweets are in Finnish. Now I tweeted something in English, just for fun! I can find my profile when i click a button "minä" (me in Finnish). And this is how it looks like:

The image of a lock after my "name" means that my account is private and nobody can find it. I think I'm gonna leave it that way for a while. At first I thought I'd delete the account after I've done this exercise, but I'm not sure about that anymore. Maybe I'll come up with some great ideas of using it, when I think about this for a while.

I think Twitter could be very useful in a travel company! You can use it for advertising and if you get someone to follow you on Twitter, one will see all your tweets on one's wall. And with wall I mean the starting page of a Twitter account. So if you get followers, it can be a very powerful source of marketing. Many companies are using Twitter and almost in every TV commercial there is a Twitter-logo and a text "Find us on Twitter". I think that if a company is not using Twitter, they are as poor in marketing as I'm in using social media.. But I'm getting there, and so should they!